As I mentioned briefly in one of my osteoporosis "Beware the Rehab Doc" posts, I have an EasyStand standing machine that allows me to pump myself up to a standing position. I've had it since around 1997 and I think it's one of the first generation standers (now discontinued). For the last five years or so I've used it to stand about every other morning for up to an hour while I eat breakfast and watch SportsCenter. It's nice to get some weight in my joints and there are a bunch of other real good medical benefits of standing. People that know me pre-SCI that haven't seen me stand since before my diving accident often forget how tall am, and people that have never seen me stand before don't realize how tall I really am: 5'11" but closer to 6'2" on the stander because the foot plates are a few inches off the floor.
Last week I was asked by a marketing manager at Altimate Medical Inc., the company that makes EasyStand Standers, if I would be interested in contributing a guest post to their EasyStand Blog. We follow each other on Twitter so she's read my blog and I've followed theirs for some time now as well. The EasyStand Blog has lots of guest writers but she thought that it might be nice to have a new writer with a guy's perspective. It was thrilling to be asked and obviously I said yes. We are going to start with an initial guest post and see if it's a good fit after that. I am thoroughly looking forward to contributing what I hope is a unique perspective on accessibility, the SCI lifestyle, disability law, disability issues in general, and other related topics that their blog readers would be interested in. I think that this could be a very cool partnership. My great thanks to Jackie at EasyStand for reaching out to me.
I will be sure to post links to my EasyStand Blog guest posts here, since most of them will be on topics that I would have posted here directly anyway.
We are excited about this too Shawn! Thanks for the post!